This is a replica of the Famous Garden Marble Hercules statues. The overall style is very sacred. The atmosphere of Hercules is carved in a very powerful manner. It was made during the procession of the Alhambra. The material chosen is a custom-made rare white marble with black grain.
Hand-carved nude statues were popular among the ancient Greeks as early as 2000 years ago. Today, these realistic nude statues are still a popular choice for decorating a house or garden. In addition to their natural beauty, these female statues can also be used to symbolize your love and affection for others.
Why Trevi Sculpture was chosen:
Trevi Art Sculpture is a sculpture based company. Trust us, we share the same aspirations for art as you do. With our roots in art, we strive to move closer to the marble sculptures of Western texts in order to showcase the unique charm and style of ancient Greek statues. We never forget our roots, and we continue to innovate. We are customer-centric and have a place in the booming sculpture industry.
As a marble factory with more than 35 years of experience, sculpting skills have been passed down from generation to generation. We are customer-centric. Having ethical business practices and the ability to fulfill large orders. We have earned a commendable position in this field.